“Down in the Valley,” a documentary series inspired by the vibrant world of “P-Valley,” set to air in 2024. The six-half-hour episode series hosted and executive produced by Nicco Annan (“P-Valley”) will take viewers on a tantalizing tour of the Deep South, unveiling a complex South that is equal parts poignant, joyful, and magical.
“Down in the Valley” is produced by Zero Point Zero for STARZ. In addition to Annan, Pulitzer Prize winner and “P-Valley” creator Katori Hall (“The Hot Wing King,” Oliver Award-winning “The Mountaintop” and Broadway’s “Tina: The Tina Turner Musical”) will also serve as executive producer. Emmy and Peabody award-winning executive producer Shoshana Guy served as showrunner. Lydia Tenaglia and Chris Collins will serve as executive producers along with Emmy award winner Jared Andrukanis as co-executive producer on behalf of Zero Point.
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“Down in the Valley” season one is set to premiere on Friday, July 5, 2024, at midnight ET on the STARZ app. On linear, it will debut on STARZ at 9:00 PM ET/PT in the U.S. and 10:00 PM ET in Canada.
Right On! Digital had a quick convo with Nicco Annan and Shoshana Guy, who took us behind the scenes.