The Los Angeles Superior Court just ruled against Wade Robson in CASE NO. BC508502 in claims against corporations owned by Michael Jackson and/or the Estate of Michael Jackson and dismissed his case again. The Michael Jackson Estate is represented by the late Howard Weitzman and Jonathan Steinsapir of Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump LLP. Statement from Mr. Steinsapir:
“As of today, a summary judgment AGAINST Wade Robson has been granted three different times by two different judges of the Superior Court.
“Wade Robson has spent the last 8 years pursuing frivolous claims in different lawsuits against Michael Jackson’s estate and companies associated with it. Robson has taken nearly three dozen depositions and inspected and presented hundreds of thousands of documents trying to prove his claims, yet a Judge has once again ruled that Robson’s claims have no merit whatsoever, that no trial is necessary and that his latest case is dismissed,” said Jonathan Steinsapir, attorney for the Estate of Michael Jackson.